Thank you to the Sussex community for supporting this great cause! Because of your generosity, we were able to collect almost $10,000 worth of food and money. We’d like to extend a special thanks to Rumors Sports Bar & Grill in Sussex for their donation of $2,500! These resources make it possible for the Sussex Area Outreach Services Food Patry to provide their Thanksgiving and Christmas meal programs.
The Sussex Lions Club, in conjunction with the Sussex Area Service Club, donated over $3,800 toward the Thanksgiving meal program and over $4,000 toward the Christmas meal program. Both programs have a meaningful impact to our community by helping individuals and families in need. The remaining funds given to the food pantry will help support future meals for our community.
Many thanks to community members for their generosity, and to the Lions Club and SAS Club members who stood outside Metro Market (formerly Pick and Save) and Piggly Wiggly to solicit donations of food and money. Your efforts greatly impacted our ability to support the Food for the Needy Campaign!