Don has served the Sussex Lions Club for about 48 years. During those years Don has moved up the chain of officers and Served as President in 1981.
Don, thank you for your service!

Any committee Don served on he was active. Most recently he had helped with Vision Screening for the Hamilton School District.
Because of Don's outstanding service with the Sussex Lions he has received the Melvin Jones Fellowship and the Burch Sturm awards. He also has a Knight Of Sight Award.

The Melvin Jones Fellowship, was created in 1973, takes its name from the founder of Lions Clubs International, Melvin Jones. It is an honor–not an award. The Melvin Jones Fellowship was established as Lions Clubs International Foundation’s (LCIF) highest form of recognition to acknowledge an individual’s dedication to humanitarian service. Melvin Jones Fellows receive an attractive lapel pin, a plaque and a congratulatory letter.
In 1990, the Birch-Sturm Fellowship was created by the Wisconsin Lions Foundation to honor those individuals who exemplify undying dedication and commitment to Lionism. The Fellowship is named after Wisconsin’s only International Presidents, Frank V. Birch and Clarence L. Sturm who were great supporters of the Foundation.
Knight of Sight and Gift of Sight Fellowships are the highest form of recognition presented to an individual, club, or group. For Lions Clubs members, a Knight of Sight patch and lapel pin is available to recipients. Awards may be given to honor the memory and work of an individual.